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In brief

  • Bitcoin Cash’s price is currently $290.
  • That’s up 15% since a November 15 hard fork.
  • It’s about the same price from two years ago, when the chain split into BCH and BSV.

A month ago today, Bitcoin Cash was split in two—again. Although forks are enough to make any investor nervous, thus far the returns have been solid, especially compared to trading after the Bitcoin SV hard fork.

Bitcoin Cash’s price has risen 15% in the last month—and over 4% in the last 24 hours—to reach $290.

Bitcoin Cash split into two chains on November 15—Bitcoin Cash Node (BCHN) and Bitcoin Cash ABC (BCHA). By virtue of having the most hash power, BCHN has since taken on the BCH title. (BCHA trades for about $22 at the moment, according to data from Nomics.)

Exactly two years prior, on November 15, 2018, the Bitcoin Cash blockchain split into Bitcoin Cash and Bitcoin SV as a result of a disagreement about how big the blocks should be—and, therefore, how many transactions they could accommodate.

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