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Cardano (ADA)

Cardano is a smart contract platform focused on peer-review and scientific study, marketed as a “third generation blockchain. Founded by Charles Hoskinson (co-founder of Ethereum), Cardano aims “provide a more balanced and sustainable ecosystem” for cryptocurrencies. According to its website, ADA is the only coin with a “scientific philosophy and research-driven approach.”

In February 2021, the Cardano network will be transitioning from the Shelley era to Goguen via two planned hard forks. The hard forks, named Allegra and Mary, will see new releases of updated ADA components which will impact all exchanges. Similar to ERC-20 tokens on the Ethereum network, Cardano will be introducing new assets to the blockchain.

Furthermore, according to data provided by Staking Rewards, Cardano has become the most decentralized network with 69% of its circulating supply staked. It’s now the seventh-largest cryptocurrency in terms of a market capitalization of $10.26 billion, recently passing Polkadot to become the biggest staking network.

Cardano (ADA) – 2021 Price Predictions

  • DigitalCoinPrice sees Cardano appreciating steadily, trading at an average of $0.62 in 2021.
  • Cryptoground suggests the ADA cryptocurrency will be worth $0.87 in the next 1-5 years.
  • WalletInvestor estimates Cardano’s price to end 2021 at $0.39.
  • Popular investor Lark Davis said, “Cardano a ticking time bomb with smart contracts coming soon! $1 easy, likely going to see $4 or $5 this bull run.”

Tezos (XTZ)

Tezos is a self-amending decentralized platform for building dApps. It’s similar to Ethereum in a way that both blockchains support dApps built using smart contracts. However, Tezos has a few unique features that differentiate it from Ethereum. Most notable, is the network’s on-chain governance, which allows holders of XTZ, Tezos’ native coin, to vote on the network’s future direction.

The Tezos blockchain has successfully implemented the “Delphi” upgrade in November 2020, allowing developers to deploy more complex smart contracts and applications—such as DeFi. “With the Delphi upgrade, the Tezos protocol has become significantly more attractive for DeFi applications and experimentation with complex smart contracts due to dramatically reduced gas costs,” said Gabriel Alfour, lead developer at Marigold.

For instance, StableTech has brought wrapped ETH tokens to the Tezos blockchain in a bid to win over DeFi users sick of high fees on Ethereum. Gas consumption has decreased by more than 70% with this upgrade, and additionally, storage costs are now four times lower. “When you combine upgrade regularity with the reduced gas costs that this particular upgrade brings, Tezos is ripe for DeFi development,” said Hugo Renaudin, co-founder of LGO Group and founder of Bender Labs.

Tezos (XTZ) – 2021 Price Predictions

  • RippleCoinNews predicts the price of XTZ to be around $4.82 by the end of 2021.
  • DigitalCoinPrice sees a high of $6.69 for Tezos by the end of the 2021 bull run.
  • WalletInvestor forcasts XTZ to be at $3.17 by the end of the year.
  • PrevisioniBitcoin anticipates massive gains, putting the coin at $9.91 by December 2021.

VeChain (VET)

VeChain is a blockchain platform designed to enhance supply chain management and business processes. Its goal is to streamline these processes and information flow for complex supply chains through the use of distributed ledger technology (DLT).

TÜV Saarland Certification has issued VeChain with the world’s first 5-Star-Rated Blockchain Service Certificate. Their certification acknowledges the readiness and maturity of VeChain’s blockchain technology, raising the profile and prestige of the network and certifying it as one of the preeminent front runners in the enterprise-level blockchain space.

Moreover, the Mediterranean Hospital of Cyprus has vaccinated 100 doctors and nurses against COVID-19, using the E-HCert app backed by the VeChainThor blockchain to certify the immunizations. The hospital described the move as a “great step for the return to normalcy” and another move towards the digital transformation of the health care industry. The technology is now expected to be used by the Aretaeio Hospital in Nicosia and grow exponentially.

VeChain (VET) – 2021 Price Predictions

  • MegaCrypto predicts VeChain may reach $0.258 by the end of 2021.
  • Cryptoground stated that VET might reach $4.10 in 2021.
  • WalletInvestor forcasts VeChain rising to $0.025 by December of 2021.
  • CoinSwitch estimates VET could reach as high as $0.1 within the next year.

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